Form follows function ist ja ein geflügeltes Wort für Design um die technischen Notwendigkeiten herum. Dass man aber auch beide Aspekte gleichwertig behandeln und auf die Spitze treiben kann, zeigt uns die neue Serie 1528 von Arendal.
>> Mehr erfahren>> Alle anzeigenMit der RX2 PRO kündigt Brax nicht weniger als die Endstufe der Superlative an, vollgepackt mit Innovation und das erste Class-D Design der Marke.
>> Mehr erfahren>> Alle anzeigenKategorie: Zubehör Heimkino
Ausstattungsliste: van den Hul RGB-5-75
Specification | |
Cable Type | RGBHV: Five coaxial lines + extra shield |
Conductor Material | High purity dense Silver coated high purity Matched Crystal OFC |
Design Purpose/ Application Area(s) | High quality, low-loss HDTV video (RGBHV) signal transport in DTV/HDTV home theater & video systems |
Eff. Conductor Ø/Eq. AWG No./Strands | Coax cores: 0.149 mm² / AWG 25.4 / 19 Coax screens: 0.905 mm² / AWG 17.6 / 80 |
External Diameter / -Dimensions | 12.0 mm. |
Resistance 20 °C / 68 °F | Coax cores: < 130 Ohm/km. Coax screens: < 23 Ohm/km. |
Capacitance | 56 pF/m. ± 5 pF/m. |
Characteristic Impedance | 75 Ohm ± 5% |
Insulation / Dielectric Strength / Test Voltage | Coax cores: cell-PE; Coax jackets: HULLIFLEX ® ; Cable jacket: HULLIFLEX ® 4 / 300 Vrms min. |
Connector Types Suitable | Our BNC type BNC - 4.0 Accessories: Our BNC to RCA (phono) adapter plugs. |
Standard Sales Units / -Lengths | 50 m. reels; With BNC type connectors in 1.5, 3 and 5 meter lengths; Other lengths: please consult your van den Hul dealer or the van den Hul distributor in your country; Without connectors: any length. |
Jacket Colours Available | Purple-red |
Remarks | Additional Specifications: |
Attenuation: 1 MHz: < 2.0 dB/100 m. 5 MHz: < 4.4 dB/100 m. 10 MHz: < 6.2 dB/100 m. 50 MHz: < 14.4 dB/100 m. 100 MHz: < 20.2 dB/100 m. | |
When mounting connectors to this cable yourself: At the signal source end, the overall cable shield should preferably be connected to a chassis ground connection point or dedicated ground terminal on the video signal source. | |
The overall cable shield should be left disconnected at the signal receiving end. |
hifisound Lautsprechervertrieb |