Kategorie: Zubehör Heimkino

Ausstattungsliste: van den Hul RGB-5-75

Ausstattung & technische Daten
Cable Type RGBHV: Five coaxial lines + extra shield
Conductor Material High purity dense Silver coated high purity Matched Crystal OFC
Design Purpose/ Application Area(s) High quality, low-loss HDTV video (RGBHV) signal transport in DTV/HDTV home theater & video systems
Eff. Conductor Ø/Eq. AWG No./Strands Coax cores: 0.149 mm² / AWG 25.4 / 19 Coax screens: 0.905 mm² / AWG 17.6 / 80
External Diameter / -Dimensions 12.0 mm.
Resistance 20 °C / 68 °F Coax cores: < 130 Ohm/km. Coax screens: < 23 Ohm/km.
Capacitance 56 pF/m. ± 5 pF/m.
Characteristic Impedance 75 Ohm ± 5%
Insulation / Dielectric Strength / Test Voltage Coax cores: cell-PE; Coax jackets: HULLIFLEX ® ; Cable jacket: HULLIFLEX ® 4 / 300 Vrms min.
Connector Types Suitable Our BNC type BNC - 4.0 Accessories: Our BNC to RCA (phono) adapter plugs.
Standard Sales Units / -Lengths 50 m. reels; With BNC type connectors in 1.5, 3 and 5 meter lengths; Other lengths: please consult your van den Hul dealer or the van den Hul distributor in your country; Without connectors: any length.
Jacket Colours Available Purple-red
Remarks Additional Specifications:
Attenuation: 1 MHz: < 2.0 dB/100 m. 5 MHz: < 4.4 dB/100 m. 10 MHz: < 6.2 dB/100 m. 50 MHz: < 14.4 dB/100 m. 100 MHz: < 20.2 dB/100 m.
When mounting connectors to this cable yourself: At the signal source end, the overall cable shield should preferably be connected to a chassis ground connection point or dedicated ground terminal on the video signal source.
The overall cable shield should be left disconnected at the signal receiving end.
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Interessante Links:
  • www.hausgeraete-test.de
  • www.heimwerker-test.de
  • hifitest.de/shop/
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