Form follows function ist ja ein geflügeltes Wort für Design um die technischen Notwendigkeiten herum. Dass man aber auch beide Aspekte gleichwertig behandeln und auf die Spitze treiben kann, zeigt uns die neue Serie 1528 von Arendal.
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Mit der RX2 PRO kündigt Brax nicht weniger als die Endstufe der Superlative an, vollgepackt mit Innovation und das erste Class-D Design der Marke.
>> Mehr erfahren>> Alle anzeigenKategorie: Profi- / Musiker-Equipment
Ausstattungsliste: Rupert Neve 517
Specification | |
Type | 500 Series Mic Pre / DI / Comp |
Gain Range | Continuously variable from 6 dB to +20 dB. |
Threshold Range | Continuously variable from 36 dB to +22 dB. |
Ratio Range | Continuously variable from 1.1:1 to Limit (40:1). |
Attack Range | Continuously variable from 20mS to 75mS |
Release Range | Continuously variable from 100mS to 2.5 Seconds. |
FF/FB | Feed-Forward or Feed-Back VCA control. |
Maximum Output Level | Balanced and Floating Transformer Output |
Maximum output from 20 Hz to 40 kHz is +23 dBu. | |
Total Harmonic Distortion and Noise | @ 1kHz, +20 dBu output level, no load. |
Main Output, compressor bypassed Better than 0.0006%. | |
Main Output, compressor engaged Better than 0.02% | |
Noise | Measured at Main Output, un-weighted, 22Hz-22kHz, Terminated 40 Ohms. |
With Gain at Unity, Compressor disengaged Better than 103 dBu. | |
With Gain at Unity, Compressor engaged: Better than 92 dBu | |
Frequency Response | Main Output, Unity Gain |
@ 18 Hz, +/- .1dB | |
@ 150 kHz -3 dB. | |
Crosstalk | Measured Channel to Channel: |
Better than 90 dB @ 15kHz. | |