Dataset: Omnes Audio SW10.01

VAT included Lieferzeit: 1-3 Werktage

Klang+Ton Speaker Chassis Database

The idea behind our new and exclusive Klang+Ton speaker chassis database is to provide DIY enthusiasts with resources that enable them to realize their DIY projects.

Just a few years ago, most loudspeaker hobbyists had to rely on ready-made construction proposals that they could obtain from distributors and magazines.

Since powerful simulation programs such as Boxsim have also become available for the hobby sector, every user can simulate loudspeaker projects himself with great accuracy after a short familiarization and training phase.


With our database, we now offer the data records exported in ASCII format for every speaker chassis test in Klang+Ton, which can thus be universally entered in various simulation programs.

This data set contains the following content:

  • PDF of the chassis profile from Klang+Ton including the 5 diagrams for frequency response, impedance and phase, decay spectrum and 2 distortion measurements, usually for 85 and 95 decibel average level.

  • The complete Thiele-Small parameters, exported as a text file from our CLIO measurement system. These parameters serve the simulation program as a basis for the calculation of suitable cabinets.

  • Frequency response and acoustic phase exported as ASCII text file from our CLIO measurement system. Here, the values for the sound pressure level and the acoustic phase are displayed side by side in a table for 200 frequency points.

  • Impedance curve and electrical phase exported as ASCII text file from our CLIO measuring system. Here, the values for the electrical impedance and electrical phase are shown side by side in a table for 200 frequency points.